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CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione, initiatives already activated, startups financed and the three-year target


The 2020-2022 Industrial Plan, approved by the Board of Directors of CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione, chaired by Francesca Bria, and presented in June 2020 by CEO and Executive Director Enrico Resmini, is moved by the awareness that small companies constitute the pulse of development of the very fabric of Italian entrepreneurship.

Via dedicated investments, the Plan underscores the necessity to assess those assets represented by startups and innovative enterprises, which comprise the most creative part of our country.

Initiatives hitherto

From February 2020, CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione has been approved for important new initiatives currently underway, bringing the sanctioned investment total to over €100M. These investments will impact the lives of about 160 startups, with part of the activities having the swift response to deserving Italian startups facing Covid-19 emergency challenges as their objective.

Three-year target

Until 2022, the aim of the initiative remains that of making of venture capital a systematic tool for translating innovation into new entrepreneurship by investing the allocated capital effectively to create the prerequisites for the complete, sustainable growth of the entire ecosystem.

“Dall’Italia per Innovare l’Italia” (Innovating Italy from Italy) is the name of the 2020/2022 Industrial Plan of CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione

The Industrial Plan underscores the centrality of both technology and support over the long-term for the entire innovation chain - all to ensure the country's systematic growth with the aim of promoting a generation of new operators that invest in startups and facilitate the processes of technology transfer from universities and research institutes towards businesses.

Startup investments from February 2020

Numerous startups have received part of the €800M already allocated in the €1B plan. Among the innovative entities that include CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione, investments from February 2020 have been made in:

Sweetguest, which offers a complete gamut of real estate management services.

Echolight, active in the area of MedTech, which has industrialized EchoS, the first non-invasive solution for assessing bone resistance and early diagnosis of Osteoporosis.

Sardex, an SME within the FinTech industry which via a complementary digital currency has developed the first business credit circuit. All three startups have benefitted from financing from the Fondo Italia Venture I.

Restorative Neurotechnologies, MedTech has developed a digital platform based on wearable devices and upon rehabilitation exercises capable of enhancing brain plasticity by way of non-invasive, innovative methods. It has received investments from the Fondo Italia Venture II - Fondo Imprese Sud, which aims to accelerate competitiveness and the development of both startups and innovative SMEs in southern Italy.

Codemotion, which connects IT professionals, tech communities and companies, has announced the closure of an investment round of €6M. The P101 venture capital operation, deployed during the thick of the Covid-19 emergency with the participation of asset management companies Primomiglio and CDP Venture Capital Sgr – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione, both former investors, focused upon consolidating the largest community of developers whilst accelerating development of the platform's online services.

The ecosystem supporting innovation in Italy