Anna Lambiase
PresidentCapital markets expert, chartered accountant, MBA in finance at the Polytechnic of Milan and at the University of Pavia, after international experiences in Corporate Finance of investment banks she founded IR Top Consulting, a leading financial boutique in Italy, IPO partner of Euronext, in consulting for the listing of SMEs on the stock exchange.
Author of numerous publications and articles on valuation, listing, governance, price sensitive corporate information and sustainable finance, in 2019 she was awarded the Award for Green Finance by the British Government.
Founder and President of V-Finance, specialized in ESG Advisory, she was an investor and promoting partner of SPAC GreenItaly1.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of listed companies, Deputy Chairman of Confidi Systema and Deputy Chairman of Assonext.
Since July 2022 has been a member of the Board of Directors of Invitalia S.p.A., the National Agency for the attraction of investments and business development, owned by the MEF.
Since October 2023 she has been nominated Chairman of the Board of Directors of CDP Venture Capital SGR.