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CDP Venture Capital

National Technology Transfer Hub

  •  Farming-Future

    Farming Future

    Il Polo Nazionale di Trasferimento Tecnologico dedicato alla valorizzazione della Ricerca scientifica e industriale nell’ambito dell’Agrifood Tech

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  •  Galaxia


    Galaxia is the National Technology Transfer Hub for the development of new companies in the Aerospace sector specialising in upstream and downstream solutions, in enabling technologies and in the transfer of key technologies from space to ground (spin-out) and from ground to space (spin-in).

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  • CDP Venture Capital


    Extend is the National Technology Transfer Hub dedicated to the biopharmaceutical sector for the development of new therapeutic approaches.

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  •  Tech4Planet


    Tech4Planet is the National Technology Transfer Hub dedicated to Environmental Sustainability, particularly in the fields of energytech, circular economy, sustainable manufacturing, smart mobility and water management.

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  •  RoboIT


    The Technology Transfer Hub entirely dedicated to robotics, to enhance the findings of Italian scientific and technological research in a sector of excellence in our country.

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The ecosystem supporting innovation in Italy