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About Us


We are the largest Venture Capital manager in Italy and among the largest in Europe.
We were born thanks to a systemic approach in the management of public and private resources aimed at creating a market operator able to combine aims of return on investment and support for market development.

We operate on strategic sectors for the future by investing directly and indirectly in startups, innovative SMEs and Venture Capital funds for the creation of a market infrastructure that can support the entire life cycle of startups.

We are subject to specific regulations and are held to norms and standards of financial transparency and prudence to protect investors' interests. Investment evaluations are carried out by experienced managers who are geared to maximize returns within the constraints and objectives defined for each fund or portfolio under management.



Our goal is to build the Italy of tomorrow, putting innovation at the center of the country's economic development, investing in a new generation of entrepreneurs, to regain the driving role in all creative fields, science and technology that has always distinguished us.


We operate by following the best international market standards, investing selectively, mainly together with other market participants, in order to achieve sustainability and returns sufficient to attract subscriptions from third-party investors, to consolidate a long-term ecosystem.

We attach great importance to environmental, social, and governance factors, inspiring the substantive aspects of our business with ESG responsibility principles, both for investment opportunities and financial and economic value generation and for attracting top talent.

  1. Leadership

    We are pioneers: purposefully leading the path of innovation.

    Our leadership is based not only on decisions, but on the ability to inspire new ways of doing business and lead the country into the future.

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  2. Solidity

    Soundness is the foundation on which we build our commitment.

    We have deep roots to grow, ensuring reliability, continuity and sustainability in everything we do.

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  3. Integrity

    Integrity is our beacon.

    We operate with honesty and transparency toward investors and all our stakeholders. We are objective in choosing investments: rational data analysis, unbiased assessment of risk and return are key elements of this approach.

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  4. Competence

    Expertise is the engine that fuels our growth and the tool with which we intercept opportunities and meet the challenges of tomorrow every day.

    In turn, we work to strengthen our distinctive competencies in our various business areas.

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  5. Selectivity

    Selectivity is our strength.

    Each investment is carefully evaluated, consistent with our guidelines, to generate a return of value with the ultimate goal of preserving and enhancing the country's innovation.



  • CDP equity

    CDP Equity is a holding company of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, that was created to boost the Italian economy by investing risk capital in companies of strategic national interest.

  • Invitalia

    Overseeing almost all state tax incentives for companies and innovative startups is part of Invitalia SpA’s mandate. Its shareholdings are a tool for achieving the company's mission.


The ecosystem supporting innovation in Italy