Terra Next is the acceleration programme for innovative startups and SMEs operating in the Bioeconomy sector.
Terra Next involves the participation of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center as co-creator and promoter and the support of Cariplo Factory which is in charge of managing the programme’s operations.
With initial assets under management of approximately 3.8 million euro allocated by CDP Venture Capital’s Accelerators Fund in addition to approximately 1.3 million allocated by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and its partners, Terra Next is planned over a 3-year time horizon.
Each year, a 12-week acceleration programme based in Naples will be launched, in which the selected start-ups (up to 30 over 3 years) will have the opportunity to grow through mentorship, training, networking and frontal lessons dedicated to value proposition and business model consolidation, technical validation and prototyping of solutions, go-to-market support and fundraising.
The initiative includes the involvement of institutional and scientific partners, such as Fondazione con il Sud, Università Federico II of Naples, Campania Digital Innovation Hub and S.R.M. - Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno, as well as leading corporate partners such as Pastificio Garofalo (core partner), Getra Group, Nestlé (partner) and Novamont (tech partner), which will provide their know-how and skills for the positive development of the start-up acceleration programmes.
Cariplo Factory, one of Italy’s main innovation hubs and a long-standing facilitator in innovation processes with start-ups and corporates, in collaboration with Università Federico II and the Campania Digital Innovation Hub, manage the acceleration programme based at the Campus in San Giovanni a Teduccio, a technological hub and one of the country’s leading innovation ecosystems.
The startup selection call for the first Terra Next batch dedicated to the Nutraceuticals, Biobased Solutions and Regenerative Agriculture was open until 30 March on www.terranextaccelerator.com.
Tha fist acceleration batch will go from June to September.