CDP Venture Capital launches Next Age: 5.46 million euro of investments for Europe's first accelerator focused on the growth of start-ups in the Silver Economy sector
Part of the CDP National Accelerators Network, the programme involves AC75 Startup Accelerator and international accelerator SOSV
From now until May 31st, the selection call process is open on to apply to take part in the first Next Age cycle
Rome, 4 April 2022 – CDP Venture Capital launches Next Age, Europe’s first accelerator aimed at start-ups that develop solutions dedicated to the Silver Economy, the products and services sector targeted at the over 50 population, which is estimated to reach 5.7 trillion euro in value, equal to a third of Europe's GDP, by 2025 . The programme is part of the CDP National Accelerators Network, a network across the entire Italian territory, with the aim of helping the growth of start-ups specialised in the markets with the greatest potential.
Next Age was conceived at the initiative of CDP Venture Capital together with AC75 Startup Accelerator, the start-up accelerator promoted by Fondazione Marche together with Fondazione Cariverona and Università Politecnica delle Marche, and the international venture capital company SOSV, which manages start-up development programmes in the seed phase. It involves the presence of Intesa Sanpaolo as main partner as well as the Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani (I.N.R.C.A.), Università Politecnica delle Marche and the UK National Innovation Center for Aging as scientific partners.
The programme is part of a collaboration between CDP Venture Capital with Fondazione Marche and Fondazione Cariverona, which led to a total allocation of 8 million euro for the development of innovative start-ups and SMEs in the area.
With initial assets under management of approximately 5.46 million euro, subscribed by CDP Venture Capital's Accelerators Fund and by AC75 Startup Accelerator, Next Age aims to boost the growth of start-ups operating in the Silver Economy, a transversal sector encompassing innovative solutions for the emerging needs of the over 50 population, from wellbeing to health care, from new housing and welfare models to recreational activities, from mobility to tourism, up to dedicated financial and insurance services. In addition to an initial investment for the start-ups selected by the programme, assets under management include capital for the subsequent post acceleration follow-ons for the start-ups with the highest growth potential.
Next Age is a three-year programme which plans to select each year around 10 start-ups in the seed and pre-seed phase, which will gain access to a 4-month structured process with the support of the accelerator's partners, so as to be guided towards the validation of their own business model.
“The boom of the Silver Economy is linked not only to the demographic trend, but also to new forms of welfare and assistance for the senior population. It is not just a matter of providing services to support the quality of life of people over 50s, what we are witnessing is a real digital revolution and the emergence of new technological tools at the service of people in all aspects of everyday life. Combined with this, is the need for new housing planning capable of integrating social, sustainability and security elements with the advantages of medical e-consultation services and Internet of Things applications to guarantee autonomy and relational well-being”, remarks Francesca Bria, President of CDP Venture Capital. "To this end, we have decided to invest in this acceleration programme, the first in Europe, dedicated to start-ups created to meet the growing needs of this sector, which has an estimated employment potential of 88 million people by 2025 at the European level”.
“Fondazione Marche, by founding AC75 Startup Accelerator, has decided to invest now in the Silver Economy as the increase in life expectancy represents an enormous opportunity for social, economic and employment development, not fully perceived yet” said Mario Pesaresi, founder and CEO of AC75 Startup Accelerator, “In fact, start-ups can make a unique contribution to living longer and better by bringing to the market innovative solutions that were unthinkable just a few years ago. For the Marche Region, where life expectancy is particularly high, the project represents the opportunity to enhance at the national and international level, successful skills gained in the last 20 years, in science and investment in new entrepreneurial endeavours”.
The Next Age accelerator will be based in Ancona at Palazzo Camerata, the headquarters of AC75 Startup Accelerator, and participating start-ups will be able to follow the process in hybrid mode (physical and digital).
The call for the selection of the first 10 start-ups that will be taking part in Next Age is open from now until May 31 2022 on, applications are aimed at Italian and international start-ups intending to open a registered office in Italy.