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CDP Venture Capital
Molfetta (BA) Marketing & Sales

Flyer Tech Srl - Transactionale

Transactionale is a Cross Advertising Network with more than 150 eCommerce shops that collaborate to acquire new customers and reward their own customer base, monetizing.

When customers are buying online, they increasingly expect more personalized and relevant experiences. We unlock the hidden potential in every single Transaction Moment. How?
- A customer is purchasing on your site (e.g. Beauty Shop)
- At that moment, you can show them a relevant 3rd party offer (for example a Discount to use on a fashion eCommerce).
- They accept and opt in to a new conversation.
- You’ve just created a deeper relationship.

The SaaS platform offers eCommerce shops a new tool for lead acquisition and SMS Marketing. You have 3 eCommerce solutions on a single platform:
- Lead Generation: meet targeted customers through our eCommerce Network and targeted DEM;
- Monetization: reward your customers and increase your earnings at every checkout;
- SMS Marketing: reach your customers with flash campaigns.

The ecosystem supporting innovation in Italy