Cervellotik Education
Cervellotik Education is an innovative SME operating in the online education sector and offering a web platform for digital learning, PCTOs (formerly Alternanza Scuola Lavoro), the fight against early school leaving and educational poverty. In the last few school years, SchoolUP has been adopted by more then 100 Italian schools, with 23,000 students who, led by 3,000 teachers, have carried out innovative and immersive courses on entrepreneurship (with the creation of about 1000 simulated startups in the classroom), career guidance, creative writing and digital jobs (bloggers). SchoolUP was included among the best practices of the Ministry of Education already in 2016 (the “40 campioni dell’Alternanza”) for developing "Alternanza di qualità" courses and was awarded at international level with the Global Junior Challenge for the category "Inclusion of young people in the world of work".