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CDP Venture Capital
Calolziocorte (LC) Deeptech


EYE4NIR aims to bring SWIR vision in people’s life, thanks to our innovative technology. SWIR vision has countless applications in automotive, healthcare, industrial automation, and agri-food. Nowadays, commercially available SWIR imaging systems have very high costs due to expensive materials. Our mission is to develop cost-effective VIS/SWIR dual-band and hyperspectral imaging sensors by implementing novel technologies within the microelectronic production chain. By leveraging the high production volumes, the cost-effectiveness and the high reliability already developed for manufacturing silicon image sensors for the VIS spectral region (which can be found in every smartphone), the production costs of SWIR image sensors will be dramatically reduced. This will allow EYE4NIR to make sensing and vision in the infrared a widespread technology, unleashing the information hidden beyond the visible spectrum to enhance human vision.

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